Gabs - Gabs




Rubik's Cube Challenge
19/07/2022 10:00 AM
Rubik's Cube Challenge

Our school will be hosting a rubik's cube challenge. This will begin at 10am. Last year's record speed was 5m 23s, can we beat that this year?

Fruit and coffee morning
31/03/2022 9:47 AM
Fruit and coffee morning

We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice. We are having a coffee morning. It was nice.


Year 4 went to the zoo
15/10/2021 4:32 PM
Year 4 went to the zoo

Year 4 had a great time at the zoo yesterday, they got to learn all about different habitats, meals and social lives of the animals.

15/10/2021 4:27 PM

Well done everyone hope your looking forward to your rest, there has been some excellent learning since we returned. The teachers and I can't wait to hear about your adventures over half term.

Charity Day
15/10/2021 4:20 PM
Charity Day

Well done everyone we raised £1234 for the local charity
